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Survey research

ABR Activation


Client ABR Activatie

Project period 06/2020

Method Survey research

Summarized Formulating neutral survey questions for a national study on sustainable choices and the Green Deal

How to formulate clear questions in a national survey?

ABR Activatie, in collaboration with Nederlandschoon, conducts an annual survey about visitor experiences in shopping areas. In doing so, they mainly investigate how 'clean' a shopping area is and how it is experienced. This year, there were also questions included about sustainable choices people make and awareness of the Green Deal.


For these questions, we created a multiple-choice survey that field researchers used during the visit of various shopping areas. The questions are asked to visitors and the field researcher fills the answers on a tablet. To make the research efficiently, the questions should be clear and neutral. In addition to formulating the questions, Anthroconsult participated in the field research. We provided feedback to ABR about the public's reactions to the questions. Themes that were not yet included in the questions could this way be included in the next year's survey.



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